



Archaeological sites

Pythagorio, the Ancient city of Samos

The settlement of Pythagorio was created on the site of the ancient city of Samos. It is located on the SE edge of the island and administratively belongs to the Municipality of Eastern Samos, while until the end of 2010 it was the seat of the Municipality of Pythagorio™. In 1955 it was renamed from “Tigani” to Pythagorio in honor of the famous Samian philosopher, mathematician Pythagoras, (580 BC – 496 BC). The first traces of human presence can be found in Pythagorio, at the end of the 4th millennium BC, on the hill of Kastro. In 1100 BC the area developed into one of the most important centers of the Ionian civilization, while during the period of the tyranny of Polycrates, (6th century BC), it experienced great prosperity. Among the most important works of the time are the Eupalinio Trench or “Aqueduct of Eupalino”, the large jetty of the port, the Temple of Hera and the 6.5 km long fortification Walls. Historian Herodotus referred to the ancient city of Samos as “a great city of the first Greeks and barbarians”, pointing out its enviable organization and high level of culture. The ancient city of Samos was a commercial crossroad between the Eastern and Western Mediterranean countries. Over the centuries, there were periods when it was deserted, others when it lost its political independence and others when it flourished, as evidenced by the findings brought to light by the excavations in the area of ​​the ancient city. Aristarchus the Samian (310 BC), a great astronomer and mathematician, was also born in Samos. Since 1992, Pythagoras, the Temple of Hera and the unique historical and mechanical value, “Epalineo trench”, have been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Castle of Pythagorio Archaeological site

Southwest of the city of Pythagorio, on the hill, is the Byzantine Castle which was built at the end of the 7th century. AD. In the archaic era, the area of ​​the castle was surrounded by strong fortifications and it is believed that here was the palace of the tyrant of Samos, Polycrates (6th century BC). The use of the hill continued during the Hellenistic and Roman eras. In the 5th c. AD, on its eastern side, three early Christian basilicas were built, one of which is considered to have been the episcopal seat of the island, while in 1475, after the island’s submission to the Ottomans and the movement of a large part of the population to Chios and Asia Minor, was deserted. Lykourgos Logothetis, a leading figure of the Greek revolution, undertook to fortify the Castle hill again, an effort that began in 1824 and was completed in 1827 with the assistance of all the Samians. He repaired and used one of the pre-existing towers of the Byzantine fortification as a command post and also as a residence for his family, where he lived as the Governor of the island. In honor of the life-saving victory of the Samians against the Turkish fleet, in a naval battle that took place in the straits of Mykalis on August 5, 1824, the temple of the Transfiguration of the Savior is being built, also on the initiative of Logothetis, next to the Tower, which is proclaimed as historical, preserved monument.

Temple of Hera,

Heraion Samos

Within the Archaeological Site of Heraion lie architectural elements of the ancient Temple of Hera, who according to Greek mythology was born in Samos. The Temple of Hera was connected to the ancient City through the Sacred Way on the northern edge of which colossal Kouros were placed, as vigilant guards of the Sanctuary. The worship of Hera on the island is witnessed from the period of the Mycenaean civilization. Initially, there was a small stone altar and a small building in the shape of a temple. Later, reforms were made to the Sacred space, mainly during the period of the tyranny of Polycrates (538-522 BC), among them the rebuilding, in unimaginable sizes for the time, of the temple. Herodotus even mentions that the Temple of Hera, which is considered a model of the great dipteran Ionic structures, was the largest temple in Greece, while the votive finds reveal its worldwide fame. Today of the 155 columns of four different sizes and types, only one is standing.

The "protected" war port Ancient city of Samos

The maritime tradition of Samos is known since the 8th century. BC. The island emerges in the second half of the 6th BC. h. (535-522 BC) to a great naval power under the tyranny of Polycrates. The port of the city with piers and docks is considered one of the most important projects of the time. At the same time, the rich production of timber pushed the inhabitants to the shipbuilding activity. A typical example of shipbuilding skill is the construction by Polycrates of a special type of ship, the Samena, which served military as well as commercial purposes. Underwater archaeological research in Pythagorio became the maximum evidence for determining the use of the ancient port, placing it in the category of “closed” war ports. The “protected” war port, fortified, was the bastion of the city’s defense, while it is considered to be the oldest man-made port in the Mediterranean which is described by Herodotus as one of the miraculous works of the island. The natural port, with two jetties and other port works, was divided into the outer (commercial port) and the inner (naval station), while the most important port project was a 360 m long jetty, the “soil in the sea”.


Archaeological Museum

of Samos

The Archaeological Museum of Samos is located in the center of the city of Samos, next to the Town Hall. It is housed in two buildings, the old museum which dates back to 1912 and the new Museum which opened its doors in 1980 where the 4.80m colossal Kouros is exhibited, an outstanding example of monumental Greek art influenced by Egyptian sculpture. The Museum also exhibits important finds such as a large collection of Archaic sculpture, ivories, wooden bronzes and ceramic works of art as well as various micro-crafts items.


tel: 2273027469

Archaeological Museum

of Pythagorio

The Archaeological Museum of Pythagorio is housed in a newly built building of 2,500 sq.m. in the center of Pythagorio, next to a very important archaeological site where the life of the inhabitants of the ancient city of Samos is largely captured. The museum exhibits about 3,000 finds, which show the historical course of the ancient city and the countryside, from the 4th millennium BC. until the 7th century AD, demonstrating the important position that the island held in the Greek space.


tel: 2273062813

Lykourgos Logothetis

Tower Museum

The Tower of Lykourgos Logothetis was built around 1824-1827 by the leader of the Samian revolution of 1821 Georgios Paplomatas ((1772 – 1850), known as Lykourgos Logothetis. It is located on the hill of the Castle and is considered one of the most important monuments of Pythagoras, connected with the Byzantine and newer history of the island.The interior of the Tower also includes a museum, where an exhibition of six thematic units is developed covering a wide range of information, related to the history of the island from late antiquity to the 19th century.


τηλ: 2273062408

Natural History Museum

of the Aegean

The Museum of Natural History of the Aegean – Paleontological Museum, a member of the International Council of Museums, is located in the village of Mytilinioi. It has been operating since 1967 as a Paleontological Museum, while in 1992 it housed the Natural History Museum. Among the most impressive exhibits are the fossils of animals that lived on the island 8-10 million years ago, as well as the taxidermized feline “Kaplani”.


tel: 2273052055
tel: 2273051691

tel: 2106206535


Ecclesiastical and Byzantine


In the Ecclesiastical and Byzantine Museum, an initiative of the Holy Metropolis of Samos, a significant number of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine sacred finds from the Holy Monasteries and Holy Temples of Samos are exhibited. Pictures of high aesthetic and artistic value, elements of wood-carved icons, hexapteryga, sacred vessels, crosses of consecration and blessing, manuscripts of the 10th century, rare old publications, as well as many other, convey the timeless image of church life and local church art.


tel: 2273087640

Wine Museum

The Samian Wine Museum was created by the Unified Winemaking Agricultural Cooperative (EOS) which was founded in 1934 after repeated mobilizations of the farmers of Samos. The Museum is located in the capital of the island in the region of Malagari. The Museum has been operating since 2005 in a preserved 19th century stone building that was originally used as a wine warehouse and later as a barrel factory. Through exhibits that span over a century, traditional winemaking, tools, tanks, chemistry instruments and barrel making come to life. The Wine Museum is open to the public and for wine tasting (Degustation).


tel: 2273087510

Karlovasi Tannery Museum

The tannery museum in Karlovasi is housed in an old stone building and exhibits tools, machinery, processed leather etc. showcasing the history of tannery in the city.

tel: 2273079137

Open Museum
of Marathokampos Bay

At least, this is what it is called by the visitors of Marathokampos Bay, since they are pleased to come across pictures painted on building walls as well as on the small harbor. The black and white paintings, created by known street artists who have used the graffiti technique, picture old traditional boats and technicians of the village. The history of the area is exhibited in the best possible way and enchants the visitors of the Bay as a true work of art.

Folklore Museum

of the Spiritual Foundation

of Samos - Nikolaos Dimitrios

Inside the traditional village of Doryssa Seaside Resort, in Pythagorio, is housed the Folklore Museum of the Spiritual Foundation of Samos Nikolaos Dimitrios. The Museum includes the representation of the simple one-room Samiot house and the residence before the 2nd World War, as well as samples of the then urban life such as: handicrafts and textiles, traditional costumes, as well as a loom. In the outdoor area of ​​the museum, replicas of workshops with authentic tools from the professions of that time are exhibited.


Tel: 2273062287

Folklore museum
of Pagonda

The Folklore Museum of Pagonda village represents the traditional Samian residence, with furniture, textiles, tools and utensils. It has five rooms, which include the loom room and the living room. The Museum is founded by members of Pagonda Association “Omonoia”.


tel: 2273095286
tel: 6979542918
tel: 6972910299

Folklore Museum
of Mesogio

The folklore museum of Mesogio is located in the traditional village of Mesogio, at an altitude of 570 meters. It was created by members of the Cultural & Beautification Association of the Mediterranean “The Life-Sustaining Spring”. The exhibits have been gathered since 1972 on the initiative and with great effort of the people of the village. The Museum presents collections from the end of the 19th century up to the 1960s of old photographs, traditional furniture and tools of the time.

Folklore Museum
of Mavratzei

In the beautiful village of Mavratzei is the small Folklore Museum of Mavratzei. It has a collection of photographs and paintings related to the tradition and customs of the region, as well as bronze and ceramic tools and objects.

Folklore Museum
of Mitilinioi

The Folklore Museum of Mitilinii is co-located with the Museum of Natural History of the Aegean – Palaeontological Museum of Mitilinii. It presents an important collection of historical and ethnographic content such as 19th century costumes, rare documents, useful objects, engravings, etc.).


tel: 2273052055

Folkloric Museum of Koumeika
“Dimitris Papaioannou”

The museum is housed in a historic building dating back to 1880 and includes of items from the surrounding region. Typical traditional outfits of the 19th century, artful handiworks and textiles made on a loom, furniture, domestic items, traditional tools, old documents and old photographs are among its exhibits.

Historic and Folkloric Museum of Karlovasi

The museum includes traditional and folkloric art items from the 1870-1955 era with artistic exhibits such as porcelain, carved mirrors, gold and silver items, old furniture, a loom, textiles, agricultural tools, traditional items etc. The exhibits combine aspects of the agricultural and urban folklore, since at the beginning of the 20th century in Karlovasi there was a fast-growing urban class which sprang from the evolution of the local tanneries and tobacco factories.


tel: 2273078198

Winemaking Folklore Museu,


The Folklore Museum of Ampelo is located on the borders of the village of the same name. Its operation began in 2015. It has several exhibits related to the production process of Samian wine on the island of Samos, so at the same time it also functions as a small Wine Museum.


tel: 2273087510 ext. 538


Tunnel of Eupalinos

The Eupalinos Tunnel in Pythagoras is considered the most important technical work of ancient Greece. It has been characterized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site, while it was recently categorized by the International Tunneling Association as a “World Tunneling Landmark”. It is a tunnel 1,036 m long and with average dimensions of 1.80 x 1.80 m, which was built during the time of the tyrant Polycrates (6th century BC), to serve as an aqueduct of the ancient city of Samos. The architect of the trench was Eupalinos from Megara. A special feature of the tunnel was the fact that it was opened simultaneously from both sides of the hill. The crews met -with a slight deviation- approximately in the middle of the tunnel, which was a significant achievement for the technological data of that time. Herodotus, thanks to whom the tunnel became known, called the work “amphistomon”. The aqueduct served the needs of the ancient city for about 1,100 years, while in the 7th c. A.D. the tunnel was used as a refuge for the inhabitants, to protect them from Persian and Arab raids.

Ancient Walls of Samos

Polykrateia Walls

One of the sections of the ancient fortification of the city of Samos is the Polykrateia Teichi, 6,430 meters long. They were built during the 2nd half of the 6th century BC. during the rule of the tyrant Polycrates, from whom they took their name. The Polykrateia walls protected the ancient city of Samos on an area of ​​1.2 thousand square meters. Hewn blocks, weighing several tons each, were used for their construction, while they were also reinforced with towers. Parts of the walls are preserved today.

Church of the Transfiguration

of the Savior

The Church is located on the hill of the Castle of Pythagorio, next to the Tower of Lycurgus Logothetis. It was built on the initiative of Lykourgos Logothetis, between 1831 – 1853 in memory of the saving victory for the island of the Samians against the Turkish fleet, in a naval battle that took place in the straits of Mykali on August 6, 1824, the day that coincides with the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Savior. It belongs to the domed basilica type. The Temple was originally a single room with an arch, but later it was expanded. The marble icon temple and the pulpit date from the beginning of the 20th century. Today the Temple is proclaimed as a Historical Preserved Monument.

Tower of Sarakini

The Tower of Sarakini is located near the settlement of Herai, on the southern side of Samos. Its construction dates back to 1577 and is the oldest tower house built on the island and a symbol of the recolonization of Samos. It is a stone-built, elongated rectangular building 12m high, which is divided internally into three floors with a basement. It has a strong fortress character. Next to the Tower is the twin church of Agios Ioannis the Theologian dating from 1602, which essentially includes two churches, one dedicated to Agios Ioannis Theologos and one to Agios Georgios.

Castle of Louloudas

On the peaks of Karvounis south of the village of Vourliotes, the ruins of the “Castle of Louloudas” are preserved. The name of the castle is attributed to the daughter of a priest, Loulouda, who lost consciousness and was killed on the cliff. According to others, the name derives from Laos = stone, rock. The castle existed since ancient times and was rebuilt by the Byzantines in the 7th or 8th century, when the Saracen raids in the Aegean began and it acquired a defensive character since it was used as a fortress but also as an observation post for passing ships.

Castle of Lazarus

The fortified Castle of Lazarus, measuring 380×120 meters, is located at 1,037 meters on Mount Karvounis. It was built during the Arab raids in the Aegean, as a shelter for the inhabitants. Its construction is estimated between the 7th – 8th century. Today there are interesting remains from the walls and the gate as well as the foundations of houses and a small church, dedicated to Saint Lazarus, from where the name of the Castle arose. The castle of Lazarus was used in the same period as the neighboring castle of Loulouda. Adjacent to the Castle is the small church of Prophet Ilias. The location of the Castle is privileged since it offers a panoramic view both to the east and to the west side of the island.


Monastery of Panagia Spiliani

Above the settlement of Pythagorio, near the Eupalineo trench and the ancient Theater, is the Holy Monastery of Panagia Spiliani. In the same area is the cave of the same name, which can be visited, at the bottom of which a small chapel dedicated to the Entry of the Virgin was built. The cave, where the ancient miraculous icon of Panagia Spiliani is preserved, has been a place of worship since ancient times, in fact experts claim that Pythagoras had a philosophical school at the site.


tel: 2273061361

Monastery of the Holy Cross

The Holy Cross Monastery (Timios Starvros) in the village of Mavratzei was founded in 1592 by the monk Nilos. The Church was built at the beginning of the 17th century. It was renovated in 1838 and its architectural elements are of the three-aisled domed basilica type, a form it still maintains today. The Church includes a unique and incomparable artistic wood-carved icon temple decorated with representations from the Old Testament and the New Testament, the wood-carved gilded pulpit of 1873 and the despotic throne of the year 1844. The Holy Monastery has the great privilege and special blessing of guarding, among her Holy Relics, and a piece of the Sacred Wood. Celebrates September 14 and M. Wednesday.


tel: 2273091278

The Monastery of Agia Zoni

The Monastery was built in 1695 on the eastern side of Samos, in the valley of Vlamari. Architecturally, it follows the traditional monastic type, with a closed, inward-facing, perimeter, consisting of two-story wings of the same height. The main building of the Monastery has the shape of a vaulted basilica nave with a dome and internal arches, while at the top of the western face in the area of ​​the main gate built in 1855, there is a small and simple marble bell tower from the year 1751. Inside the main part, remarkable frescoes from the 17th century are preserved. The ornate wood-carved icon temple of the Monastery was built in 1801 and includes three despotic portable icons from the 19th century. The Monastery celebrates on August 31



Monastery of Holy Trinity

Outside the village of Mytilinioi, is the newest Monastery of Samos, the Monastery of Agia Triada which was rebuilt in 1905. Its architecture follows the Athonian type of triconical tetraconical temple. According to local tradition the four columns, which support the dome, were transferred from an ancient building located in the ancient city of Samos. In 1920, the iconostasis and the two icons were built. The Monastery has a library with a rich collection. It is celebrated on the day of the Holy Spirit.


tel: 2273051339

Monastery of Zoodochos Pigi

Near the settlement of Vlamari, on Mount Rabaidoni at an altitude of 400 meters, lies the historic Holy Monastery of Zoodochos Pigi, also called “Aeliotissa” due to its proximity to the nearby chapel of the Prophet Elias. The Monastery was founded in 1756 by the monk Dorotheos. Architecturally, it follows the monastic type of large quadrilateral complexes with two-story wings. In the main part of the Church, built in 1782, only a few frescoes have been preserved, while in the narthex and the Sanctuary the richly decorated and gilded wooden iconostasis dating from 1802 by the humble Georgios Tantoglou dominates. Of unique artistic value is the door that leads from the narthex to the catholicon made of 365 small wooden blocks, each symbolizing each day of the year. The Monastery is inhabited by six nuns and celebrates the first Friday after Easter.


tel: 2273027582

Monastery of Megali Panagia

The Monastery of Megali Panagia, near the village of Myloi, was founded in 1586 by the monks Nilos and Dionysios and is dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin. The complex of the Monastery faithfully follows the type of the traditional four-sided Orthodox Monastery. In the center of the surrounding area is the Holy Monastery of Panagia Vrontiani This is the oldest monastery of Samos, near the village of Vourliotes. The Vronta Monastery or Panagia Vrontiani or Panagia Vrontiani or Panagia Kokkariani, was rebuilt in 1566 by the brothers monks Iakovos and Makarios near the ruins of an older monastery dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin. The Catholic Church of the Monastery follows the architectural type of the vaulted nave basilica while the rest of the complex, around the Catholic Church, is square with two or three-story cells and vaulted arches. At the entrance is the belfry decorated with stone reliefs, which was built in the year 1812. The wooden gilded iconostasis of the Catholic Church is decorated with scenes taken from the Holy Bible, while the portable icons of the 18th and 19th centuries are considered works of art. The Monastery celebrates on September 8.


tel: 2273041249

of Panagias Vrontianis

This is the oldest monastery of Samos, near the village of Vourliotes. The Vronta Monastery or Panagia Vrontiani or Panagia Vrontiani or Panagia Kokkariani, was rebuilt in 1566 by the brothers monks Iakovos and Makarios near the ruins of an older monastery dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin. The Church of the Monastery follows the architectural type of the vaulted nave basilica while the rest of the complex, around the Catholic Church, is square with two or three-story cells and vaulted arches. At the entrance is the belfry decorated with stone reliefs, which was built in the year 1812. The wooden gilded iconostasis of the Catholic Church is decorated with scenes taken from the Holy Bible, while the portable icons of the 18th and 19th centuries are considered works of art. The Monastery celebrates on September 8.


tel.: 22730-93255

Kimisi tis Theotokou Monastery in Marathokampos

This is a small women’s convent founded in 1887 and situated neat Marathokampos town. It dates back to the first decades of the 19th century, when Kollivades monks, due to differences in Agion Oros, came and settled in Marathokampos. Their preaching and work resulted in attracting a few women to the hermetic life, who later settled there. The temple bares the inscription “Holy temple of the Holy Mother Mary”. 


Over its entrance, the inscription “1819 June 15”, indicating the year of its restoration. Before it was made into a convent, the building was used as a nursing home and charity institution.


tel: 2273038342

of Zoodochos Pigis Kakoperatos

The Monastery is located southwest of Kosmadeoi village at an altitude of 650 meters, located within a secluded ravine that leads to Seitani, full of plane trees, pine trees and bushes. To the west one can see the steep peaks of Mountain Kerketeas. It consists of a small chapel dedicated to Zoodochos Pigi (the Life Giving Spring), and a two-storey building with cells.
In a 15 minutes walking distance (some 500 meters), through a narrow path, the famous Kakoperatos Cave is located, where, in the past, hermits who had built the small chapel called Kakoperatianis or Pera Panagia used to live.

of Profitis Ilias

The Holy Monastery of Profitis Ilias is situated in a beautiful location near Karlovassi. Its construction began in 1739. The architecture of the Church is that of a basilica with dome. It has a wooden temple with unique icons, dating back to 1739, especially the icon of Prophet Elias (made in 1804) with its silver decoration. The marble tiling of the floor is also remarkable. The elaborate bas-relief at the center of the floor depicts a double-headed eagle, the first human, Adam and Eve, and a human skull with cross bones. The Holy Monastery celebrates on the 20th of July.

In the east side, above the outer gate of the monastery, the Chapel of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is located.

of Agios Ioannis Theologos

The Monastery is located in a beautiful area close to Palaio Karlovassi. It was established in 1823. It is nunnery, but, presently, only one nun lives there, while in the past it used to house up to 30 nuns.

The Church inside the Monastery is small, but devout and prim. The old icon of Jesus Christ, kept in the Church, is of great cultural value, since it is dated back to the 18th century. The iconostasis depicts a wailing Blessed Virgin Mary embracing the Crucified Lord. (Instead of Jesus Christ as a child, a standard depiction in Greek Orthodox tradition). The Church was restored in 1823 by captain Manuel Angelinas, one of the Samian chieftains who fought during the 1821 Greek War of Independence.


tel: 2273032219

Panagia Makrini

From the village of Kallithea in Samos, venture on an excursion that you will remember forever, in the massif of Kerki. The small church of Panagia Makrini is built in a cave, from the middle of the 9th century, and the frescoes that decorate its interior date from the 14th century. Panagia Makrini has been inextricably linked with the ascetic tradition of Samos. You will understand why the area around the church is ideal for contemplation: the view from the elevated courtyard of the church looks like an antechamber of Paradise.


20 αυγουστου

Η μεγάλη πομπή των Ηραίων στο Πυθαγόρειο.
